bet9九州体育登录: (812) 513-1098 家事法事宜: (812) 725-8226



被指控犯罪是一件很严重的事情, 因为信念会对你的余生产生负面影响. 除了面临罚款和监禁, 你的犯罪记录会永远跟着你. 它会毁掉教育和职业的前景, 申请学生贷款, 持有枪支, 考取专业执照, 并获得住房和移民福利. 你的家庭和社会关系也会受到损害.

如果你或你所爱的人在印第安纳州或肯塔基州被逮捕并被指控犯罪, 控方已经在收集证据准备起诉你了. 这不是你应该试图独自对抗的事情. Having a criminal defense lawyer on your side from the beginning to fight for your rights and your freedom can help keep you from unjust incarceration or unreasonable penalties.

教堂的刑事辩护律师, 兰登, Lopp, Banet法律 firm (CLLB) are 准备好了 to step in and provide strong representation throughout the criminal process. 我们知道法院, 该系统, 以及检察官用来定罪的策略, 以及为你辩护的必要条件. 你越快bet9九州体育登录, the sooner we can get to work to build a case for your defense and keep you from inadvertently making mistakes. We will provide support all through the defense process and aggressively fight for your rights and your freedom.

来咨询一下你的情况,告诉你我们能帮上什么忙. 请拨打812-725-8224.


一个熟练的刑事辩护律师可以使用警方的报告, 犯罪现场证据和其他材料为你建立强有力的辩护.

Our CLLB criminal defense lawyers understand that sometimes you’re just at the wrong place at the wrong time. 法律规定在排除合理怀疑证明有罪之前你是无辜的, 当你被指控犯罪时,你有权获得法律代理.

不幸的是, 一旦被指控, 你经常被当作罪犯对待, 甚至在审判之前. 我们的辩护律师可以阻止这种情况,通过以下方式为你争取权利:

  • Informing you of your rights and making sure police and prosecutors adhere to proper procedures
  • Preventing you from saying the wrong things and doing anything that would negatively affect your case
  • 帮助你决定如何回应指控和处理指控
  • 负责保释和传讯事宜
  • 通过检查犯罪现场来为自己辩护, 收集证据证明你的清白, 采访目击者, 审查警方报告, 寻找检察官案件中的弱点和错误
  • 为减轻指控或撤销指控而进行谈判和辩诉交易
  • Taking your case to trial and arguing to convince the jury that there’s reasonable doubt in the case
  • 必要时提出上诉.

在教堂, 兰登, Lopp, Banet法律, 我们的辩护律师会对我们处理的每个案件的事实进行自己的调查. 无论你面临何种指控,你都应该得到强有力的法律代理. Act quickly to speak with an experienced criminal defense lawyer in 新奥尔巴尼 about your case and avoid the common mistakes many unwary defendants make that can have serious repercussions.


  • 藏毒
  • 酒后驾车国防
  • 印第安纳州Expungements
  • 肯塔基州Expungements
  • 管有赃物
  • 抢劫国防
  • 交通违规
  • 未成年酒驾辩护


Our criminal defense attorneys know that the United States and state constitutions protect you when you are being investigated by the police and after you have been arrested.

An arrest occurs when a law enforcement officer takes you into custody for questioning about a crime or offense. Knowing your rights can help you avoid making mistakes that can give prosecutors a better case. 你应该知道的权利包括:

  • To be read your Miranda rights informing you that you have the right to remain silent and not answer questions
  • 出示授权逮捕的逮捕令,并告知刑事指控是什么. Police officers are legally allowed to search your home or your property if they obtain a search warrant. You can only be arrested without a warrant if the police have probable cause to believe you committed a crime.
  • 打电话给你的律师或家人
  • 要知道你所说的一切都将成为呈堂证供
  • 在审问或列队时有律师在场
  • 如果你负担不起律师费,可以让法院指定一名律师
  • 合理的保释和快速的审判.

美国宪法第五修正案 provides the right to be free from government-compelled self-incrimination and the right to be free from multiple prosecutions or multiple punishments for a single criminal offense.

第六条修正案》 提供拒绝作证的权利, 还有去看的机会, 听到, 让证人指证你.

我们的刑事辩护律师了解您的权利,并将帮助确保这些权利不受侵犯. 通过我们自己的调查, 我们可以确定证据是否被不当获取, 这可能会把它排除在考虑之外. 我们审查证据是否通过既定的占有链得到妥善处理. We design a defense strategy to protect your legal rights and follow all applicable laws so that you can make choices on how to move forward. 我们还可以寻找可能导致撤销或减少指控的法律论据.

我们熟练的新奥尔巴尼和 路易斯维尔刑事辩护律师 你能通过辩诉交易协议来避免牢狱之灾吗, 或者至少减少它, 如果你想这么做的话. 如果你上了法庭, 我们可以把你的说法告诉法官和陪审团, 揭露控方的案件和证人的不可靠和不可信, 并提供证据说明为什么存在合理怀疑.


犯罪分为轻罪和重罪, 重罪更严重,惩罚和罚款也更重. 然而, even a conviction for a minor misdemeanor will give you a criminal record that limits your life.


重罪是你能被指控的最严重的罪行. 重罪定罪意味着要坐牢, 监督缓刑, 需要数年才能支付的罚款, 一个污点会让你无法胜任大多数专业工作. 在印第安纳州,重罪是指任何可判处一年以上监禁的罪行. 印第安纳州的大多数重罪被划分为1级、2级、3级、4级、5级或6级.谋杀和一级犯罪是最严重的罪行. 在肯塔基州,根据 KY. 牧师. 法令第532条.010, 重罪分为五类, 谋杀和绑架导致死亡是死罪.


轻罪被认为比重罪轻, 但仍然应该认真对待,因为定罪也可能带来犯罪记录, 被判入狱, 以及巨额罚款. In 肯塔基州, misdemeanors are crimes that are punishable by up to 12 months in county or local jail. 轻罪分为A级或B级,A级情节较重. 在印第安纳州, misdemeanors are crimes that are punished by up to a year in jail and are designated as Class A, B, 或C, 其中A级最严重.


You should find a criminal defense lawyer you can trust to handle what may be one of the most important crises you’ll face in your lifetime. 寻找经验,知识和动力去做必要的事情来保护你的权利. 律师擅长协商辩诉交易协议吗? 律师是否擅长在法庭上讲述当事人的故事? 这个人在面对挫折时执着吗? 同情和理解客户? 这个律师是你愿意合作的人吗?


An experienced criminal defense attorney knows what he or she is doing when protecting your rights and enabling you to get the best outcome possible. 如果你为自己辩护,你就不知道自己在做什么. 你可能会犯严重的错误,这将使你的处境变得更糟,而不是更好. 警方或检方是否犯了错误为你提供了有效的辩护? 辩诉交易或庭审是最好的选择吗? 没有刑事辩护律师,你不会知道这些问题的答案. 我们在新奥尔巴尼的刑事辩护律师, 印第安纳州, 是否有知识和经验为你提供强大的优势, 成功的国防.



刑事司法系统一般包括执法, 法院和惩教系统. 我们有联邦和州一级的刑事司法系统网络, 它包括特殊的司法法庭,比如军事法庭. 刑法因州而异,也因州与联邦政府而异, 尽管它们都是基于美国的.S. 宪法. 的 federal criminal justice system handles cases that cross state lines or cover issues Congress has decided are of national interest. State courts normally handle cases of illegal activities that happened within the state’s borders.


理想情况下,控方的心态是确保正义得到伸张. 这应该意味着只有那些真正犯罪的人才会被定罪, 但情况并非总是如此. 有时控方只是想定罪结案, 不用太深入地了解情况. 的 prosecution will tell a story to the judge and jury of a bad actor whose denials are not to be believed, 造成伤害的人需要被阻止再犯. 的 prosecution will want to use all the evidence possible to support its claim and minimize the defendant’s constitutional rights 帮助 make a conviction easier.


任何因犯罪而被捕或被指控的人都会遇到很多意外. 酒后驾车被定罪意味着这个人的汽车保险费会飙升. 如果被定罪的人与家庭成员有共同保险, 所有人都可以被迫支付更高的保费. 犯罪记录也可能使人们失去在某些企业工作的资格, 持有专业执照, 租车, 或者住在漂亮的出租房子或公寓里.

青少年和年轻人往往太晚才知道这些后果. Even a minor drug conviction could endanger one’s ability to receive federal financial aid for college; it could even deny them admission to many top-shelf colleges and universities.


正如你所看到的,被指控犯罪的人面临着许多后果. 犯罪记录的存在可能有很多含义. 其中包括……

  • 监禁或监禁时间
  • 罚款
  • 社区bet9九州体育登录

的re are many other “collateral” consequences of criminal charges that aren’t directly related to the punishments doled out by the state. 其中包括……

  • 住房机会有限
  • 就业机会有限
  • 贷款困难
  • 受教育机会有限.

尽管这些后果是没有人想要经历的, it’s important to know that you might be able to lessen the impact of a charge by hiring an attorney that will look for every advantage in your case. 刑事指控对每个人来说都是可怕的, 但它们并不一定会给人的余生带来厄运. 有了适当的指导和法律代表,所有的希望都不必失去.


“我可以诚实地说,他们让一切变得简单. 没有压力,信息丰富,诚实. 我很高兴有朋友向我介绍他们. 我希望如果有人需要一个好律师,他们给他们打个电话. 我很高兴我这么做了!——金·加尔文 (谷歌审查)


马克是肯塔基人,他一生的大部分时间都在这个州生活和工作. 他是肯塔基州和印第安纳州的执业律师, 他的重点是试验工作, 包括民事诉讼和刑事辩护. 他代理过各种各样的客户, 他致力于把客户的需求放在第一位. [ 律师生物 ]



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    Call our Criminal Defense Attorneys in 新奥尔巴尼, 印第安纳州 for Help with All Criminal Procedures

    一场好的辩护从律师接到客户的电话就开始了, so it is imperative that you bet9九州体育登录线路 our legal team immediately if you’ve been charged or suspect that you will be charged with a crime.

    You only get one chance to put your best foot forward and make the strongest possible argument in your defense. 你的刑事律师越有经验, the better your chances are that they can anticipate the prosecutor’s moves and effectively counter a prosecutor’s arguments. Make sure your criminal lawyer is every bit as skilled as the attorneys in the prosecutor’s office. 你的自由可能就靠它了.

    Our 新奥尔巴尼 criminal lawyers will put every effort possible into the success of your case and fight for your rights and freedom. 关于您的案例的初步咨询,请致电(812)725-8224与我们bet9九州体育登录线路.